"A Killer Paradox" is a Korean web series that revolves around a murder mystery with elements of time travel and psychological thriller. The story follows detective Han Joon-hyuk (played by Kim Moo-yul) who discovers a series of murders committed by a mysterious killer known as "A." As he investigates, he encounters Park Hae-young (played by Yoo Seung-ho), a genius profiler with the ability to communicate with the past through a mysterious walkie-talkie. Together, they unravel the complex web of clues while facing moral dilemmas and confronting their own past traumas. Other notable characters include Lee Sun-woo (played by Kim Seol-hyun), a radio show host who becomes involved in the case, and Kim Jin-woo (played by Kim Kyung-nam), a police officer assisting in the investigation. As the story progresses, the characters find themselves trapped in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the elusive killer, leading to shocking revelations and unexpected twists.
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